Pat’s grin never left his face as he turned to his passenger and nodded gamely and enthusiastically, his salt and pepper mop of hair nodding right along. Without ever saying a word, simply listen to my 7th and you will know that it is!” Grazing pastures high in the Alps, a verdant Teutonic forest, the redolent décolletage of a beautiful young lady, and the indomitable spirit of an entire people in the span of a mere few minutes, If you want to know if it’s possible to distill the “Pat,” begins Ludwig, waving his hand with a flourish over the water, out the car’s window, “my music speaks to people on a grand scale. The food is way better, and the people nicer - and healthier. Whatever and wherever this “New” England is, Ludwig has polished off his second New England lobster roll this morning, succulent, buttery and rife with flavors and textures he’s never known. The fresh salt air and the not-yet-warm Cape Cod sunshine splash over both of them, and Pat’s silver sunglasses glint East Harbor’s hopeful, blinding reflection. The windows are open and Pat drives, of course. The striking vocals of Bona and Vu bring an added spirituality to the music.Īn emotionally charged ride combined with sick grooves and clever improvisation may not make this one classic, but deserves a spot on everyone’s shelf, jazz enthusiast or not.Pat and Ludwig glide down the Massachusetts coastline in a dark blue ’73 Torino, with Highway 6A and Mayflower Heights in the rear view. ‘Afternoon’ is a slow and rhythmic track that highlights the tone of the album. The six find their voice in the ‘The Gathering Sky.’ The players hit a steady and constantly evolving groove and feed off of one another in a clever display of instrumental collaboration. Sanchez keeps the beat nicely here and throughout the rest of the disc. Then he takes us to the bridge as Mays joins in to provide the complete groove. The talent of Vu reveals itself in ‘Proof’ as he flows off Metheny and provides an explosive solo. They coalesce to provide steady grooves and backing for some sweet solos. These talents combine with the guitar of Metheny, acoustic piano of Mays and Rodby’s bass. Dropping the bass he is known for, Bona brings a rich voice and percussion to the group. Topping off the talented trio is bassist Richard Bona. Cuong Vu is an innovative and dynamic musician that brings an extraordinary trumpet and vocals to the group. Antonio Sanchez is a respected drummer in jazz circles.

Pat Metheny Group’s first album of 2002, ‘Speaking Of Now,’ adds three new musicians to the usual trio of Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays and Steve Rodby, to expand the horizons of a group that has been redefining contemporary jazz since their 1978 self-titled work.Īll three bring a rich background and distinctive talent to the group.